import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Input, Type } from '@angular/core'; import Folder from '../../folder' import { FolderService } from 'src/app/services/folder.service'; import { DonutChartComponent } from '../donut-chart/donut-chart.component'; import { DeviceService } from 'src/app/services/device.service'; import Device from 'src/app/device'; import { StType } from '../../type'; import { FilterService } from 'src/app/services/filter.service'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; export interface ChartItemState { label: string, count: number, color: string, selected: boolean, } @Component({ selector: 'app-chart', templateUrl: './chart.component.html', styleUrls: ['./chart.component.scss'] }) export class ChartComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild(DonutChartComponent) donutChart: DonutChartComponent; @Input() type: StType; title: string; chartID: string; states: ChartItemState[] = []; private observer: Observable; private activeChartState: ChartItemState; constructor( private folderService: FolderService, private deviceService: DeviceService, private filterService: FilterService, ) { } onItemSelect(s: ChartItemState) { // Send chart item state to filter this.filterService.changeFilter({ type: this.type, text: s.label }); // Deselect all other items this.states.forEach(s => { s.selected = false; }); // Select item only if (s !== this.activeChartState) { s.selected = true; this.activeChartState = s; } else { this.activeChartState = null; this.filterService.changeFilter({ type: this.type, text: "" }) } } ngOnInit(): void { switch (this.type) { case StType.Folder: this.title = "Folders"; this.chartID = 'foldersChart'; = this.folderService.folderAdded$; break; case StType.Device: this.title = "Devices"; this.chartID = 'devicesChart'; = this.deviceService.deviceAdded$; break; } } ngAfterViewInit() { let totalCount: number = 0; t => { // Count the number of folders and set chart totalCount++; this.donutChart.count = totalCount; // Get StateType and convert to string const stateType = t.stateType; const state = t.state; let color; switch (this.type) { case StType.Folder: color = Folder.stateTypeToColor(t.stateType); break; case StType.Device: color = Device.stateTypeToColor(stateType); break; } // Check if state exists let found: boolean = false; this.states.forEach(s => { if (s.label === state) { s.count = s.count + 1; found = true; } }); if (!found) { this.states.push({ label: state, count: 1, color: color, selected: false }); } this.donutChart.updateData(this.states); }, err => console.error('Observer got an error: ' + err), () => { } ); } }