
142 lines
4.8 KiB

import * as helpers from "helpers.js"
import * as metadatasearch from "metadatasearch.js"
export function main(file) {
// iterate though all tags of the file to change fields in all of them
for (const tag of file.tags) {
changeTagFields(file, tag);
// submit changes from the JavaScript-context to the tag editor application; does not save changes to disk yet
// return a falsy value to skip the file after all
return !helpers.isTruthy(settings.dryRun);
const mainTextFields = ["title", "artist", "album", "genre"];
const personalFields = ["comment", "rating"];
function applyFixesToMainFields(file, tag) {
const fields = tag.fields;
for (const key of mainTextFields) {
for (const value of fields[key]) {
if (helpers.isString(value.content)) {
value.content = value.content.trim();
if (helpers.isTruthy(settings.fixUmlauts)) {
value.content = utility.fixUmlauts(value.content);
if (helpers.isTruthy(settings.formatNames)) {
value.content = utility.formatName(value.content);
function clearPersonalFields(file, tag) {
const fields = tag.fields;
for (const key of personalFields) {
fields[key] = [];
function addTotalNumberOfTracks(file, tag) {
const track = tag.fields.track;
if (track.find(value => !value.content.total) === undefined) {
return; // skip if already assigned
const extension = file.extension;
const dirItems = utility.readDirectory(file.containingDirectory) || [];
const total = dirItems.filter(fileName => fileName.endsWith(extension)).length;
if (!total) {
for (const value of track) {
value.content.total |= total;
function addFieldFromOriginalFile(file, tag, fieldName) {
const originalFile = helpers.openOriginalFile(file);
if (!originalFile) {
return false;
utility.diag("debug", "Trying to take over " + fieldName + " from \"" + originalFile.path + "\".");
const contents = helpers.readFieldContents(originalFile, fieldName);
if (!contents.length) {
utility.diag("debug", "No " + fieldName + " found in original file.");
return false;
tag.fields[fieldName] = contents;
return true;
function addLyrics(file, tag) {
const fields = tag.fields;
if (fields.lyrics.length) {
return; // skip if already assigned
if (addFieldFromOriginalFile(file, tag, "lyrics")) {
return; // skip fetching via meta-data search if lyrics could be taken over from original file
const firstTitle = fields.title?.[0]?.content;
const firstArtist = fields.artist?.[0]?.content;
if (firstTitle && firstArtist) {
fields.lyrics = metadatasearch.queryLyrics({title: firstTitle, artist: firstArtist});
function addCover(file, tag) {
const fields = tag.fields;
if (fields.cover.length) {
return; // skip if already assigned
if (addFieldFromOriginalFile(file, tag, "cover")) {
// ensure the cover's resolution is below a certain size to avoid bloating the file
const convertedCovers = [];
const maxSizeInt = parseInt(settings.coverMaxSize || 512);
const maxSize = Qt.size(maxSizeInt, maxSizeInt);
for (const cover of fields.cover) {
convertedCovers.push(utility.convertImage(cover, maxSize));
fields.cover = convertedCovers;
return; // skip fetching via meta-data search if cover could be taken over from original file
const firstAlbum = fields.album?.[0]?.content?.replace(/ \(.*\)/, '');
const firstArtist = fields.artist?.[0]?.content;
if (firstAlbum && firstArtist) {
fields.cover = metadatasearch.queryCover({album: firstAlbum, artist: firstArtist});
function addMiscFields(file, tag) {
// assume the number of disks is always one for now
const fields = tag.fields;
if (!fields.disk.length) {
fields.disk = "1/1";
const dir = file.containingDirectory.toLowerCase();
if (dir.includes("bootleg")) {
fields.comment = "bootleg";
} else if (dir.includes("singles")) {
fields.comment = "single";
function changeTagFields(file, tag) {
helpers.logTagInfo(file, tag);
// change/add various fields; these values can still be overridden by specifying fields normally as CLI args
applyFixesToMainFields(file, tag);
clearPersonalFields(file, tag);
addTotalNumberOfTracks(file, tag);
addMiscFields(file, tag);
if (helpers.isTruthy(settings.addLyrics)) {
addLyrics(file, tag);
if (helpers.isTruthy(settings.addCover)) {
addCover(file, tag);