
378 lines
14 KiB

#include "./lyricswikia.h"
#include "../misc/networkaccessmanager.h"
#include "../application/settings.h"
#include <QUrlQuery>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QTextDocument>
#include <QStringBuilder>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::placeholders;
using namespace Utility;
namespace QtGui {
static const QString defaultLyricsWikiaUrl(QStringLiteral("https://lyrics.wikia.com"));
QUrl lyricsWikiaApiUrl()
const QString &lyricsWikiaUrl = Settings::values().dbQuery.lyricsWikiaUrl;
return QUrl((lyricsWikiaUrl.isEmpty() ? defaultLyricsWikiaUrl : lyricsWikiaUrl) + QStringLiteral("/api.php"));
LyricsWikiaResultsModel::LyricsWikiaResultsModel(SongDescription &&initialSongDescription, QNetworkReply *reply) :
HttpResultsModel(move(initialSongDescription), reply)
bool LyricsWikiaResultsModel::fetchCover(const QModelIndex &index)
if(!index.parent().isValid() && index.row() < m_results.size()) {
SongDescription &desc = m_results[index.row()];
if(!desc.cover.isEmpty()) {
// cover is already available -> nothing to do
} else if(!desc.albumId.isEmpty()) {
try {
// the item belongs to an album which cover has already been fetched
desc.cover = m_coverData.at(desc.albumId);
} catch(const out_of_range &) {
if(desc.coverUrl.isEmpty()) {
// request the cover URL
auto *reply = requestAlbumDetails(desc);
addReply(reply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleAlbumDetailsReplyFinished, this, reply, index.row()));
return false;
} else {
// request the cover art
auto *reply = networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(desc.coverUrl)));
addReply(reply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleCoverReplyFinished, this, reply, desc.albumId, index.row()));
return false;
} else {
m_errorList << tr("Unable to fetch cover: Album ID unknown");
emit resultsAvailable();
return true;
bool LyricsWikiaResultsModel::fetchLyrics(const QModelIndex &index)
if(!index.parent().isValid() && index.row() < m_results.size()) {
SongDescription &desc = m_results[index.row()];
if(!desc.lyrics.isEmpty()) {
// lyrics already available -> nothing to do
} else if(!desc.artist.isEmpty() && !desc.title.isEmpty()) {
auto *reply = requestSongDetails(desc);
addReply(reply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleSongDetailsFinished, this, reply, index.row()));
return false;
} else {
m_errorList << tr("Unable to fetch lyrics: Artist or title is unknown.");
emit resultsAvailable();
return true;
void LyricsWikiaResultsModel::parseInitialResults(const QByteArray &data)
// prepare parsing LyricsWikia meta data
QXmlStreamReader xmlReader(data);
// parse XML tree
#include <qtutilities/misc/xmlparsermacros.h>
children {
iftag("getArtistResponse") {
QString artist;
children {
iftag("artist") {
artist = text;
} eliftag("albums") {
children {
iftag("albumResult") {
QString album, year;
QList<SongDescription> songs;
children {
iftag("album") {
album = text;
} eliftag("year") {
year = text;
} eliftag("songs") {
children {
iftag("item") {
songs << SongDescription();
songs.back().title = text;
songs.back().track = songs.size();
} else_skip
} else_skip
// need to filter results manually because the filtering provided by Lyrica Wiki API doesn't work
if((m_initialDescription.album.isEmpty() || m_initialDescription.album == album)
&& (m_initialDescription.year.isEmpty() || m_initialDescription.year == year)
&& (!m_initialDescription.totalTracks || m_initialDescription.totalTracks == songs.size())) {
for(SongDescription &song : songs) {
if((m_initialDescription.title.isEmpty() || m_initialDescription.title == song.title)
&& (!m_initialDescription.track || m_initialDescription.track == song.track)) {
song.album = album;
song.year = year;
song.totalTracks = songs.size();
m_results << move(song);
} else_skip
} else_skip
for(SongDescription &song : m_results) {
// set the arist which is the same for all results
song.artist = artist;
// set the album ID (album is identified by its artist, year and name)
song.albumId = artist % QChar(':') % song.album % QChar('_') % QChar('(') % song.year % QChar(')');
song.albumId.replace(QChar(' '), QChar('_'));
} else_skip
#include <qtutilities/misc/undefxmlparsermacros.h>
// check for parsing errors
switch(xmlReader.error()) {
case QXmlStreamReader::NoError:
case QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError:
m_errorList << xmlReader.errorString();
// promote changes
QNetworkReply *LyricsWikiaResultsModel::requestSongDetails(const SongDescription &songDescription)
// compose URL
QUrlQuery query;
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("func"), QStringLiteral("getSong"));
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("action"), QStringLiteral("lyrics"));
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("fmt"), QStringLiteral("xml"));
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("fixXML"), QString());
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("artist"), songDescription.artist);
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("title"), songDescription.title);
if(!songDescription.album.isEmpty()) {
// specifying album seems to have no effect but also doesn't hurt
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("album"), songDescription.album);
QUrl url(lyricsWikiaApiUrl());
return Utility::networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(url));
QNetworkReply *LyricsWikiaResultsModel::requestAlbumDetails(const SongDescription &songDescription)
QUrl url(lyricsWikiaApiUrl());
url.setPath(QStringLiteral("/wiki/") + songDescription.albumId);
return Utility::networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(url));
void LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleSongDetailsFinished(QNetworkReply *reply, int row)
QByteArray data;
if(auto *newReply = evaluateReplyResults(reply, data, true)) {
addReply(newReply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleSongDetailsFinished, this, newReply, row));
} else if(!data.isEmpty()) {
parseSongDetails(row, data);
void LyricsWikiaResultsModel::parseSongDetails(int row, const QByteArray &data)
// find associated result/desc
if(row >= m_results.size()) {
m_errorList << tr("Internal error: context for song details reply invalid");
const SongDescription &assocDesc = m_results.at(row);
QUrl parsedUrl;
// parse XML tree
QXmlStreamReader xmlReader(data);
#include <qtutilities/misc/xmlparsermacros.h>
children {
iftag("LyricsResult") {
SongDescription parsedDesc;
children {
iftag("artist") {
parsedDesc.artist = text;
} eliftag("song") {
parsedDesc.title = text;
} eliftag("url") {
parsedUrl = text;
} else_skip
// verify whether parsed results match what was requested
if(!parsedUrl.isEmpty() && assocDesc.title == parsedDesc.title && assocDesc.artist == parsedDesc.artist) {
} else {
} else_skip
#include <qtutilities/misc/undefxmlparsermacros.h>
// check for parsing errors
switch(xmlReader.error()) {
case QXmlStreamReader::NoError:
case QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError:
m_errorList << tr("Unable to parse song details: ") + xmlReader.errorString();
if(parsedUrl.isEmpty()) {
return; // don't complain about missing URL when the XML isn't even valid
// requets lyrics (seem to be incomplete in XML response, so just get the regular Wiki page)
if(parsedUrl.isEmpty()) {
m_errorList << tr("Song details requested for %1/%2 do not contain URL for Wiki page").arg(assocDesc.artist, assocDesc.title);
// do not use parsed URL directly to avoid unintended requests
QUrl requestUrl(lyricsWikiaApiUrl());
auto *reply = Utility::networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(parsedUrl));
addReply(reply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleLyricsReplyFinished, this, reply, row));
void LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleLyricsReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply, int row)
QByteArray data;
if(auto *newReply = evaluateReplyResults(reply, data, true)) {
addReply(newReply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleLyricsReplyFinished, this, newReply, row));
} else {
if(!data.isEmpty()) {
parseLyricsResults(row, data);
void LyricsWikiaResultsModel::parseLyricsResults(int row, const QByteArray &data)
// find associated result/desc
if(row >= m_results.size()) {
m_errorList << tr("Internal error: context for LyricsWikia page reply invalid");
SongDescription &assocDesc = m_results[row];
// convert data to QString
const QString html(data);
// parse lyrics from HTML
const int lyricsStart = html.indexOf(QLatin1String("<div class='lyricbox'>"));
if(lyricsStart < 0) {
m_errorList << tr("Song details requested for %1/%2 do not contain lyrics").arg(assocDesc.artist, assocDesc.title);
const int lyricsEnd = html.indexOf(QLatin1String("<div class='lyricsbreak'></div>"), lyricsStart);
QTextDocument textDoc;
textDoc.setHtml(html.mid(lyricsStart, (lyricsEnd > lyricsStart) ? (lyricsEnd - lyricsStart) : -1));
assocDesc.lyrics = textDoc.toPlainText();
emit lyricsAvailable(index(row, 0));
void LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleAlbumDetailsReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply, int row)
QByteArray data;
if(auto *newReply = evaluateReplyResults(reply, data, true)) {
addReply(newReply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleAlbumDetailsReplyFinished, this, newReply, row));
} else {
parseAlbumDetailsAndFetchCover(row, data);
void LyricsWikiaResultsModel::parseAlbumDetailsAndFetchCover(int row, const QByteArray &data)
// check whether the request failed (sufficient error message already emitted in this case)
if(data.isEmpty()) {
// find associated result/desc
if(row >= m_results.size()) {
m_errorList << tr("Internal error: context for LyricsWikia page reply invalid");
SongDescription &assocDesc = m_results[row];
// convert data to QString
const QString html(data);
// parse cover URL from HTML
const int coverDivStart = html.indexOf(QLatin1String("<div class=\"plainlinks\" style=\"clear:right; float:right;")) + 56;
if(coverDivStart > 56) {
const int coverHrefStart = html.indexOf(QLatin1String("href=\""), coverDivStart) + 6;
if(coverHrefStart > coverDivStart + 6) {
const int coverHrefEnd = html.indexOf(QLatin1String("\""), coverHrefStart);
if(coverHrefEnd > 0) {
assocDesc.coverUrl = html.mid(coverHrefStart, coverHrefEnd - coverHrefStart);
// handle error case (cover URL not found)
if(assocDesc.coverUrl.isEmpty()) {
m_errorList << tr("Album details requested for %1/%2 do not contain cover").arg(assocDesc.artist, assocDesc.album);
// request the cover art
auto *reply = networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(assocDesc.coverUrl)));
addReply(reply, bind(&LyricsWikiaResultsModel::handleCoverReplyFinished, this, reply, assocDesc.albumId, row));
QueryResultsModel *queryLyricsWikia(SongDescription &&songDescription)
// compose URL
QUrlQuery query;
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("func"), QStringLiteral("getArtist"));
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("fmt"), QStringLiteral("xml"));
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("fixXML"), QString());
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("artist"), songDescription.artist);
QUrl url(lyricsWikiaApiUrl());
// NOTE: Only getArtist seems to work, so artist must be specified and filtering must
// be done manually when parsing results.
// make request
return new LyricsWikiaResultsModel(move(songDescription), Utility::networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(url)));
} // namespace QtGui