#ifndef CASEINSENSITIVECOMPARER #define CASEINSENSITIVECOMPARER #include #include #include namespace Media { /*! * \brief The CaseInsensitiveCharComparer struct defines a method for case-insensivive character comparsion (less). */ struct LIB_EXPORT CaseInsensitiveCharComparer { static constexpr unsigned char toLower(const unsigned char c) { return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? (c + ('a' - 'A')) : c; } bool operator()(const unsigned char lhs, const unsigned char rhs) const { return toLower(lhs) < toLower(rhs); } }; /*! * \brief The CaseInsensitiveStringComparer struct defines a method for case-insensivive string comparsion (less). */ struct LIB_EXPORT CaseInsensitiveStringComparer { bool operator()(const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs) const { return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin(), rhs.cend(), CaseInsensitiveCharComparer()); } }; } #endif // CASEINSENSITIVECOMPARER