#!/bin/sh testfilespath="$1" # determine sequences for formatted output red=$(tput setaf 1) green=$(tput setaf 2) yellow=$(tput setaf 3) blue=$(tput setaf 4) bold=$(tput bold) normal=$(tput sgr0) inform() { echo "${bold}==> ${blue}INFO:${normal} ${bold}${1}${normal}" } success() { echo "${bold}==> ${green}SUCCESS:${normal} ${bold}${1}${normal}" } fail() { echo "${bold}==> ${red}FAILURE:${normal} ${bold}${1}${normal}" } skipping() { echo 'archive/files already exist -> skipping download' } download() { title="$1" url="$2" filename="$3" destdir="$4" inform "Downloading \"$title\" ..." if [[ ! -d $destdir ]]; then # actual download pushd '/tmp' if [[ ! -f $filename ]]; then wget --output-document="$filename" "$url" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then fail "unable to download: \"$url\"" return fi else skipping fi popd # extraction mkdir "$destdir" pushd "$destdir" case "$filename" in *.zip) unzip "/tmp/$filename";; *) fail "unable to extract archive: format \"${filename#*.}\" not supported" return;; esac if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then fail "unable to extract \"/tmp/$filename\"" return fi popd else skipping fi } download_rsync() { title="$1" cmd="$2" inform "Downloading \"$title\" ..." if [[ ! -d $destdir ]]; then # actual download $cmd if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then fail "unable to download \"$title\" with rsync" return fi else skipping fi } # enter testfiles directory if [[ -d $testfilespath ]]; then cd "$testfilespath" else fail "specified testfiles directory does not exist" exit -1 fi download \ 'Matroska Test Suite - Wave 1' \ 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/matroska/test_files/matroska_test_w1_1.zip?r=&ts=1454982254&use_mirror=netix' \ 'matroska_test_w1_1.zip' \ 'matroska_wave1' download_rsync \ 'MTX Test Data' \ 'rsync -rv --links --delete belgarath.bunkus.org::mtx-test-data mtx-test-data' # convert FLAC files for FLAC tests with ffmpeg mkdir -p flac [[ ! -f flac/test.flac ]] && ffmpeg -i mtx-test-data/alac/othertest-itunes.m4a -c:a flac flac/test.flac # raw FLAC stream [[ ! -f flac/test.ogg ]] && ffmpeg -i flac/test.flac -c:a copy flac/test.ogg # FLAC in Ogg