#include "./tagtarget.h" #include "./matroska/matroskatagid.h" #include #include using namespace std; using namespace ConversionUtilities; namespace Media { /*! * \brief Returns a string representation for the specified \a tagTargetLevel. */ const char *tagTargetLevelName(TagTargetLevel tagTargetLevel) { switch(tagTargetLevel) { case TagTargetLevel::Shot: return "shot"; case TagTargetLevel::Subtrack: return "subtrack, part, movement, scene"; case TagTargetLevel::Track: return "track, song, chapter"; case TagTargetLevel::Part: return "part, session"; case TagTargetLevel::Album: return "album, opera, concert, movie, episode"; case TagTargetLevel::Edition: return "edition, issue, volume, opus, season, sequel"; case TagTargetLevel::Collection: return "collection"; default: return ""; } } /*! * \class Media::TagTarget * \brief The TagTarget class specifies the target of a tag. * * Tags might only target a specific track, chapter, ... * * Specifying a target is currently only fully supported by Matroska. * * Since Ogg saves tags at stream level, the stream can be specified * by passing a TagTarget instance to OggContainer::createTag(). * However, only the first track in the tracks() array is considered * and any other values are just ignored. * * In any other tag formats, the specified target is (currently) * completely ignored. */ /*! * \brief Returns the string representation of the current instance. * \remarks Uses the specified \a tagTargetLevel if no levelName() is assigned. */ string TagTarget::toString(TagTargetLevel tagTargetLevel) const { string levelString; if(level()) { levelString += "level "; levelString += numberToString(level()); } const char *defaultLevelName; if(!levelName().empty() || *(defaultLevelName = tagTargetLevelName(tagTargetLevel))) { if(!levelString.empty()) { levelString += ' '; } levelString += '\''; if(!levelName().empty()) { levelString += levelName(); } else { levelString += defaultLevelName; } levelString += '\''; } list parts; if(levelString.empty()) { parts.emplace_back("undefined target"); } else { parts.emplace_back(move(levelString)); } for(auto v : tracks()) { parts.emplace_back("track " + numberToString(v)); } for(auto v : chapters()) { parts.emplace_back("chapter " + numberToString(v)); } for(auto v : editions()) { parts.emplace_back("edition " + numberToString(v)); } for(auto v : attachments()) { parts.emplace_back("attachment " + numberToString(v)); } return joinStrings(parts, ", "); } }