
549 lines
24 KiB

#include "./oggcontainer.h"
#include "../flac/flacmetadata.h"
#include "../mediafileinfo.h"
#include "../backuphelper.h"
#include <c++utilities/io/copy.h>
#include <c++utilities/misc/memory.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace IoUtilities;
namespace Media {
* \class Media::OggVorbisComment
* \brief Specialization of Media::VorbisComment for Vorbis comments inside an OGG stream.
const char *OggVorbisComment::typeName() const
switch(m_oggParams.streamFormat) {
case GeneralMediaFormat::Flac:
return "Vorbis comment (in FLAC stream)";
case GeneralMediaFormat::Opus:
return "Vorbis comment (in Opus stream)";
case GeneralMediaFormat::Theora:
return "Vorbis comment (in Theora stream)";
return "Vorbis comment";
* \class Media::OggContainer
* \brief Implementation of Media::AbstractContainer for OGG files.
* \brief Constructs a new container for the specified \a stream at the specified \a startOffset.
OggContainer::OggContainer(MediaFileInfo &fileInfo, uint64 startOffset) :
GenericContainer<MediaFileInfo, OggVorbisComment, OggStream, OggPage>(fileInfo, startOffset),
m_iterator(fileInfo.stream(), startOffset, fileInfo.size()),
void OggContainer::reset()
* \brief Creates a new tag.
* \sa AbstractContainer::createTag()
* \remarks
* - Tracks must be parsed before because tags are stored on track level!
* - The track can be specified via the \a target argument. However, only the first track of tracks() array is considered.
* - If tracks() array of \a target is empty, a random track will be picked.
* - Vorbis streams should always have a tag assigned yet. However, this
* methods allows creation of a tag if none has been assigned yet.
* - FLAC streams should always have a tag assigned yet and this method
* does NOT allow to create a tag in this case.
OggVorbisComment *OggContainer::createTag(const TagTarget &target)
if(!target.tracks().empty()) {
// return the tag for the first matching track ID
for(auto &tag : m_tags) {
if(!tag->target().tracks().empty() && tag->target().tracks().front() == target.tracks().front() && !tag->oggParams().removed) {
return tag.get();
// not tag found -> try to re-use a tag which has been flagged as removed
for(auto &tag : m_tags) {
if(!tag->target().tracks().empty() && tag->target().tracks().front() == target.tracks().front()) {
tag->oggParams().removed = false;
return tag.get();
} else if(OggVorbisComment *comment = tag(0)) {
// no track ID specified -> just return the first tag (if one exists)
return comment;
} else if(!m_tags.empty()) {
// no track ID specified -> just return the first tag (try to re-use a tag which has been flagged as removed)
m_tags.front()->oggParams().removed = false;
return m_tags.front().get();
// a new tag needs to be created
// -> determine an appropriate track for the tag
// -> just use the first Vorbis/Opus track
for(const auto &track : m_tracks) {
if(target.tracks().empty() || target.tracks().front() == track->id()) {
switch(track->format().general) {
case GeneralMediaFormat::Vorbis:
case GeneralMediaFormat::Opus:
// check whether start page has a valid value
if(track->startPage() < m_iterator.pages().size()) {
announceComment(track->startPage(), static_cast<size_t>(-1), false, track->format().general);
return m_tags.back().get();
} else {
// TODO: error handling?
// TODO: allow adding tags to FLAC tracks (not really important, because a tag should always be present)
return nullptr;
OggVorbisComment *OggContainer::tag(size_t index)
size_t i = 0;
for(const auto &tag : m_tags) {
if(!tag->oggParams().removed) {
if(index == i) {
return tag.get();
return nullptr;
size_t OggContainer::tagCount() const
size_t count = 0;
for(const auto &tag : m_tags) {
if(!tag->oggParams().removed) {
return count;
* \brief Actually just flags the specified \a tag as removed and clears all assigned fields.
* This specialization is neccessary because completeley removing the tag whould also
* remove the OGG parameter which are needed when appying the changes.
* \remarks Seems like common players aren't able to play Vorbis when no comment is present.
* So do NOT use this method to remove tags from Vorbis, just call removeAllFields() on \a tag.
* \sa AbstractContainer::removeTag()
bool OggContainer::removeTag(Tag *tag)
for(auto &existingTag : m_tags) {
if(static_cast<Tag *>(existingTag.get()) == tag) {
existingTag->oggParams().removed = true;
return true;
return false;
* \brief Actually just flags all tags as removed and clears all assigned fields.
* This specialization is neccessary because completeley removing the tag whould also
* remove the OGG parameter which are needed when appying the changes.
* \remarks Seems like common players aren't able to play Vorbis when no comment is present.
* So do NOT use this method to remove tags from Vorbis, just call removeAllFields() on all tags.
* \sa AbstractContainer::removeAllTags()
void OggContainer::removeAllTags()
for(auto &existingTag : m_tags) {
existingTag->oggParams().removed = true;
void OggContainer::internalParseHeader()
static const string context("parsing OGG bitstream header");
// iterate through pages using OggIterator helper class
try {
// ensure iterator is setup properly
for(m_iterator.removeFilter(), m_iterator.reset(); m_iterator; m_iterator.nextPage()) {
const OggPage &page = m_iterator.currentPage();
if(m_validateChecksums) {
if(page.checksum() != OggPage::computeChecksum(stream(), page.startOffset())) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The denoted checksum of the OGG page at " + ConversionUtilities::numberToString(m_iterator.currentSegmentOffset()) + " does not match the computed checksum.", context);
OggStream *stream;
try {
stream = m_tracks[m_streamsBySerialNo.at(page.streamSerialNumber())].get();
} catch(const out_of_range &) {
// new stream serial number recognized -> add new stream
m_streamsBySerialNo[page.streamSerialNumber()] = m_tracks.size();
m_tracks.emplace_back(make_unique<OggStream>(*this, m_iterator.currentPageIndex()));
stream = m_tracks.back().get();
if(stream->m_currentSequenceNumber != page.sequenceNumber()) {
if(stream->m_currentSequenceNumber) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Page is missing (page sequence number omitted).", context);
stream->m_currentSequenceNumber = page.sequenceNumber() + 1;
} else {
} catch(const TruncatedDataException &) {
// thrown when page exceeds max size
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The OGG file is truncated.", context);
} catch(const InvalidDataException &) {
// thrown when first 4 byte do not match capture pattern
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Capture pattern \"OggS\" at " + ConversionUtilities::numberToString(m_iterator.currentSegmentOffset()) + " expected.", context);
void OggContainer::internalParseTags()
// tracks needs to be parsed before because tags are stored at stream level
for(auto &comment : m_tags) {
OggParameter &params = comment->oggParams();
switch(params.streamFormat) {
case GeneralMediaFormat::Vorbis:
case GeneralMediaFormat::Opus:
// skip header (has already been detected by OggStream)
comment->parse(m_iterator, VorbisCommentFlags::NoSignature | VorbisCommentFlags::NoFramingByte);
case GeneralMediaFormat::Flac:
comment->parse(m_iterator, VorbisCommentFlags::NoSignature | VorbisCommentFlags::NoFramingByte, 4);
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Stream format not supported.", "parsing tags from OGG streams");
params.lastPageIndex = m_iterator.currentPageIndex();
params.lastSegmentIndex = m_iterator.currentSegmentIndex();
* \brief Announces the existence of a Vorbis comment.
* The start offset of the comment is specified by \a pageIndex and \a segmentIndex.
* The format of the stream the comment belongs to is specified by \a mediaFormat.
* Valid values are GeneralMediaFormat::Vorbis, GeneralMediaFormat::Opus
* and GeneralMediaFormat::Flac.
* \remarks This method is called by OggStream when parsing the header.
void OggContainer::announceComment(std::size_t pageIndex, std::size_t segmentIndex, bool lastMetaDataBlock, GeneralMediaFormat mediaFormat)
m_tags.back()->oggParams().set(pageIndex, segmentIndex, lastMetaDataBlock, mediaFormat);
void OggContainer::internalParseTracks()
static const string context("parsing OGG stream");
for(auto &stream : m_tracks) {
try { // try to parse header
if(stream->duration() > m_duration) {
m_duration = stream->duration();
} catch(const Failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse stream at " + ConversionUtilities::numberToString(stream->startOffset()) + ".", context);
* \brief Writes the specified \a comment with the given \a params to the specified \a buffer and
* adds the number of bytes written to \a newSegmentSizes.
void OggContainer::makeVorbisCommentSegment(stringstream &buffer, CopyHelper<65307> &copyHelper, vector<uint32> &newSegmentSizes, VorbisComment *comment, OggParameter *params)
auto offset = buffer.tellp();
switch(params->streamFormat) {
case GeneralMediaFormat::Vorbis:
case GeneralMediaFormat::Opus:
ConversionUtilities::BE::getBytes(0x4F70757354616773u, copyHelper.buffer());
buffer.write(copyHelper.buffer(), 8);
comment->make(buffer, VorbisCommentFlags::NoSignature | VorbisCommentFlags::NoFramingByte);
case GeneralMediaFormat::Flac: {
// Vorbis comment must be wrapped in "METADATA_BLOCK_HEADER"
FlacMetaDataBlockHeader header;
// write the header later, when the size is known
buffer.write(copyHelper.buffer(), 4);
comment->make(buffer, VorbisCommentFlags::NoSignature | VorbisCommentFlags::NoFramingByte);
// finally make the header
header.setDataSize(buffer.tellp() - offset - 4);
if(header.dataSize() > 0xFFFFFF) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Size of Vorbis comment exceeds size limit for FLAC \"METADATA_BLOCK_HEADER\".", "making Vorbis Comment");
buffer.seekp(header.dataSize(), ios_base::cur);
} default:
newSegmentSizes.push_back(buffer.tellp() - offset);
void OggContainer::internalMakeFile()
const string context("making OGG file");
updateStatus("Prepare for rewriting OGG file ...");
parseTags(); // tags need to be parsed before the file can be rewritten
string backupPath;
fstream backupStream;
if(fileInfo().saveFilePath().empty()) {
// move current file to temp dir and reopen it as backupStream, recreate original file
try {
BackupHelper::createBackupFile(fileInfo().path(), backupPath, fileInfo().stream(), backupStream);
// recreate original file, define buffer variables
fileInfo().stream().open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::out | ios_base::binary | ios_base::trunc);
} catch(const ios_base::failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Creation of temporary file (to rewrite the original file) failed.", context);
} else {
// open the current file as backupStream and create a new outputStream at the specified "save file path"
try {
backupStream.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit);
backupStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
fileInfo().stream().open(fileInfo().saveFilePath(), ios_base::out | ios_base::binary | ios_base::trunc);
} catch(const ios_base::failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Opening streams to write output file failed.", context);
try {
// prepare iterating comments
OggVorbisComment *currentComment;
OggParameter *currentParams;
auto tagIterator = m_tags.cbegin(), tagEnd = m_tags.cend();
if(tagIterator != tagEnd) {
currentParams = &(currentComment = tagIterator->get())->oggParams();
} else {
currentComment = nullptr;
currentParams = nullptr;
// define misc variables
CopyHelper<65307> copyHelper;
vector<uint64> updatedPageOffsets;
unordered_map<uint32, uint32> pageSequenceNumberBySerialNo;
// iterate through all pages of the original file
for(m_iterator.setStream(backupStream), m_iterator.removeFilter(), m_iterator.reset(); m_iterator; m_iterator.nextPage()) {
const OggPage &currentPage = m_iterator.currentPage();
const auto pageSize = currentPage.totalSize();
uint32 &pageSequenceNumber = pageSequenceNumberBySerialNo[currentPage.streamSerialNumber()];
// check whether the Vorbis Comment is present in this Ogg page
&& m_iterator.currentPageIndex() >= currentParams->firstPageIndex
&& m_iterator.currentPageIndex() <= currentParams->lastPageIndex
&& !currentPage.segmentSizes().empty()) {
// page needs to be rewritten (not just copied)
// -> write segments to a buffer first
stringstream buffer(ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
vector<uint32> newSegmentSizes;
uint64 segmentOffset = m_iterator.currentSegmentOffset();
vector<uint32>::size_type segmentIndex = 0;
for(const auto segmentSize : currentPage.segmentSizes()) {
if(segmentSize) {
// check whether this segment contains the Vorbis Comment
if((m_iterator.currentPageIndex() >= currentParams->firstPageIndex && segmentIndex >= currentParams->firstSegmentIndex)
&& (m_iterator.currentPageIndex() <= currentParams->lastPageIndex && segmentIndex <= currentParams->lastSegmentIndex)) {
// prevent making the comment twice if it spreads over multiple pages/segments
&& ((m_iterator.currentPageIndex() == currentParams->firstPageIndex
&& m_iterator.currentSegmentIndex() == currentParams->firstSegmentIndex))) {
makeVorbisCommentSegment(buffer, copyHelper, newSegmentSizes, currentComment, currentParams);
// proceed with next comment?
if(m_iterator.currentPageIndex() > currentParams->lastPageIndex
|| (m_iterator.currentPageIndex() == currentParams->lastPageIndex && segmentIndex > currentParams->lastSegmentIndex)) {
if(++tagIterator != tagEnd) {
currentParams = &(currentComment = tagIterator->get())->oggParams();
} else {
currentComment = nullptr;
currentParams = nullptr;
} else {
// copy other segments unchanged
copyHelper.copy(backupStream, buffer, segmentSize);
// check whether there is a new comment to be inserted into the current page
if(m_iterator.currentPageIndex() == currentParams->lastPageIndex && currentParams->firstSegmentIndex == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
makeVorbisCommentSegment(buffer, copyHelper, newSegmentSizes, currentComment, currentParams);
// proceed with next comment
if(++tagIterator != tagEnd) {
currentParams = &(currentComment = tagIterator->get())->oggParams();
} else {
currentComment = nullptr;
currentParams = nullptr;
segmentOffset += segmentSize;
// write buffered data to actual stream
auto newSegmentSizesIterator = newSegmentSizes.cbegin(), newSegmentSizesEnd = newSegmentSizes.cend();
bool continuePreviousSegment = false;
if(newSegmentSizesIterator != newSegmentSizesEnd) {
uint32 bytesLeft = *newSegmentSizesIterator;
// write pages until all data in the buffer is written
while(newSegmentSizesIterator != newSegmentSizesEnd) {
// write header
updatedPageOffsets.push_back(stream().tellp()); // memorize offset to update checksum later
copyHelper.copy(backupStream, stream(), 27); // just copy header from original file
// set continue flag
stream().seekp(-22, ios_base::cur);
stream().put(currentPage.headerTypeFlag() & (continuePreviousSegment ? 0xFF : 0xFE));
continuePreviousSegment = true;
// adjust page sequence number
stream().seekp(12, ios_base::cur);
stream().seekp(5, ios_base::cur);
int16 segmentSizesWritten = 0; // in the current page header only
// write segment sizes as long as there are segment sizes to be written and
// the max number of segment sizes (255) is not exceeded
uint32 currentSize = 0;
while(bytesLeft && segmentSizesWritten < 0xFF) {
while(bytesLeft >= 0xFF && segmentSizesWritten < 0xFF) {
currentSize += 0xFF;
bytesLeft -= 0xFF;
if(bytesLeft && segmentSizesWritten < 0xFF) {
// bytes left is here < 0xFF
currentSize += bytesLeft;
bytesLeft = 0;
if(!bytesLeft) {
// sizes for the segment have been written
// -> continue with next segment
if(++newSegmentSizesIterator != newSegmentSizesEnd) {
bytesLeft = *newSegmentSizesIterator;
continuePreviousSegment = false;
// there are no bytes left in the current segment; remove continue flag
if(!bytesLeft) {
continuePreviousSegment = false;
// page is full or all segment data has been covered
// -> write segment table size (segmentSizesWritten) and segment data
// -> seek back and write updated page segment number
stream().seekp(-1 - segmentSizesWritten, ios_base::cur);
stream().seekp(segmentSizesWritten, ios_base::cur);
// -> write actual page data
copyHelper.copy(buffer, stream(), currentSize);
} else {
if(pageSequenceNumber != m_iterator.currentPageIndex()) {
// just update page sequence number
updatedPageOffsets.push_back(stream().tellp()); // memorize offset to update checksum later
copyHelper.copy(backupStream, stream(), 27);
stream().seekp(-9, ios_base::cur);
stream().seekp(5, ios_base::cur);
copyHelper.copy(backupStream, stream(), pageSize - 27);
} else {
// copy page unchanged
copyHelper.copy(backupStream, stream(), pageSize);
// report new size
// "save as path" is now the regular path
if(!fileInfo().saveFilePath().empty()) {
// close backups stream; reopen new file as readable stream
fileInfo().stream().open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
// update checksums of modified pages
for(auto offset : updatedPageOffsets) {
OggPage::updateChecksum(fileInfo().stream(), offset);
// clear iterator
m_iterator.clear(fileInfo().stream(), startOffset(), fileInfo().size());
} catch(...) {
BackupHelper::handleFailureAfterFileModified(fileInfo(), backupPath, fileInfo().stream(), backupStream, context);