Boost C++ Libraries


Class template basic_channel_logger

boost::log::sources::basic_channel_logger — Channel feature implementation.


// In header: <boost/log/sources/channel_feature.hpp>

template<typename BaseT, typename ChannelT> 
class basic_channel_logger : public BaseT {
  // types
  typedef base_type::char_type                         char_type;          // Character type. 
  typedef base_type::final_type                        final_type;         // Final type. 
  typedef base_type::threading_model                   threading_model;    // Threading model being used. 
  typedef ChannelT                                     channel_type;       // Channel type. 
  typedef attributes::mutable_constant< channel_type > channel_attribute;  // Channel attribute type. 
  typedef unspecified                                  open_record_lock;   // Lock requirement for the open_record_unlocked method. 
  typedef unspecified                                  swap_lock;          // Lock requirement for the swap_unlocked method. 

  // member classes/structs/unions

  // Default channel name generator.

  struct make_default_channel_name {
    // types
    typedef channel_type result_type;

    // public member functions
    result_type operator()() const;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  basic_channel_logger(basic_channel_logger const &);
  basic_channel_logger(basic_channel_logger &&) noexcept(boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< base_type >::value &&boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< channel_attribute >::value));
  template<typename ArgsT> explicit basic_channel_logger(ArgsT const &);

  // public member functions
  channel_type channel() const;
  void channel(channel_type const &);

  // protected member functions
  channel_attribute const  & get_channel_attribute() const;
  template<typename ArgsT> record open_record_unlocked(ArgsT const &);
  void swap_unlocked(basic_channel_logger &);

  // private member functions
  template<typename ArgsT, typename T> 
    record open_record_with_channel_unlocked(ArgsT const &, T const &);
  template<typename ArgsT> 
    record open_record_with_channel_unlocked(ArgsT const &, parameter::void_);


basic_channel_logger public construct/copy/destruct

  1. basic_channel_logger();

    Default constructor. The constructed logger has the default-constructed channel name.

  2. basic_channel_logger(basic_channel_logger const & that);

    Copy constructor

  3. basic_channel_logger(basic_channel_logger && that) noexcept(boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< base_type >::value &&boost::is_nothrow_move_constructible< channel_attribute >::value));

    Move constructor

  4. template<typename ArgsT> explicit basic_channel_logger(ArgsT const & args);

    Constructor with arguments. Allows to register a channel name attribute on construction.



    A set of named arguments. The following arguments are supported:

    • channel - a string that represents the channel name

basic_channel_logger public member functions

  1. channel_type channel() const;

    The observer of the channel name


    The channel name that was set by the logger

  2. void channel(channel_type const & ch);

    The setter of the channel name



    The channel name to be set for the logger

basic_channel_logger protected member functions

  1. channel_attribute const  & get_channel_attribute() const;

    Channel attribute accessor

  2. template<typename ArgsT> record open_record_unlocked(ArgsT const & args);

    Unlocked open_record

  3. void swap_unlocked(basic_channel_logger & that);

    Unlocked swap

basic_channel_logger private member functions

  1. template<typename ArgsT, typename T> 
      record open_record_with_channel_unlocked(ArgsT const & args, T const & ch);
    The open_record implementation for the case when the channel is specified in log statement.
  2. template<typename ArgsT> 
      record open_record_with_channel_unlocked(ArgsT const & args, 
    The open_record implementation for the case when the channel is not specified in log statement.
