Qt GRPC Client Interceptors


Qt GRPC provides the functionality to use Qt GRPC interceptors for customizing the behavior of Qt GRPC calls and streams. The QGrpcClientInterceptor class serves as the base for creating custom interceptors, while QGrpcClientInterceptorManager manages the registration and execution of these interceptors.

Implementing a custom interceptor

To implement a custom interceptor, you need to subclass QGrpcClientInterceptor and override the desired interception methods.

These methods are specific to the type of Qt GRPC operation:

Here's an example of implementing a custom interceptor:

 class MyCustomInterceptor : public QGrpcClientInterceptor
     void interceptCall(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation,
                                                   std::shared_ptr<QGrpcCallReply> response,
                                                   QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcCalReply> &continuation)
         // Interception logic here.

         // Call continuation() delegate if you wish to continue interception chain
         continuation(response, operation);

By default, QGrpcClientInterceptor methods call continuation() delegate without logic.

The continuation() delegate

The number of times a continuation is invoked hinges on the exact requirements of the application. For instance, consider a retry interceptor; in scenarios where additional attempts are warranted, the continuation might be called repeatedly. Conversely, when intercepting the responses, you may choose to invoke the continuation before your own logic. On the other hand, certain interceptors, such as those focused on authentication or caching, may find no need to call the continuation at all if it is determined that the final Qt GRPC call is unnecessary.

Registering Interceptors

To incorporate interceptors into your Qt GRPC workflow, utilize the QGrpcClientInterceptorManager. This manager allows for the systematic registration and orchestration of interceptors. You can add individual interceptors using the registerInterceptor() method, while multiple interceptors can be registered at once via the registerInterceptors() method.

Interceptor chain order of execution

After registration, interceptors are placed at the beginning of the chain. It's important to note that during execution, interceptors are processed in reverse order. For example, let's consider a scenario where three interceptors (InterceptorA, InterceptorB, and InterceptorC) are registered in sequence:

 QGrpcClientInterceptorManager manager;
 auto InterceptorA = std::make_shared<MyCustomInterceptor>();
 auto InterceptorB = std::make_shared<MyCustomInterceptor>();
 auto InterceptorC = std::make_shared<MyCustomInterceptor>();

 manager.registerInterceptors({InterceptorB, InterceptorC});

In this case, the interceptor chain for a Qt GRPC call will be as follows:

 InterceptorB -> InterceptorC -> InterceptorA -> Qt GRPC operation

Running the interceptor chain

The interceptor chain is triggered by QAbstractGrpcChannel every time a call or stream is initiated. This channel wraps the Qt GRPC call and passes it through the interceptor chain. The interceptors in the chain process the call in accordance with their specific logic. Ultimately, the Qt GRPC call is invoked at the end of the interceptor chain, ensuring that it undergoes all necessary processing before reaching its destination.

Attach the QGrpcClientInterceptorManager to the channel

To add a QGrpcClientInterceptorManager to the channel, you can use the QAbstractGrpcChannel::addInterceptorManager() method. This method takes a QGrpcClientInterceptorManager object as an argument. The provided manager will then be associated with the channel, allowing it to manage the interceptors for incoming and outgoing Qt GRPC calls and streams.

QGrpcClientInterceptor Examples

See also QGrpcClientInterceptor and QGrpcClientInterceptorManager.