QGrpcClientInterceptor Class

Base class for Qt GRPC client interceptors. More...

Header: #include <QGrpcClientInterceptor>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Grpc)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Grpc)
Since: Qt 6.7
Status: Technical Preview

Public Functions

virtual ~QGrpcClientInterceptor()
void intercept(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, typename QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<T>::ReplyType response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<T> &continuation)

Protected Functions

virtual void interceptBidirStream(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcBidirStream> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcBidirStream> &continuation)
virtual void interceptCall(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcCallReply> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcCallReply> &continuation)
virtual void interceptClientStream(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcClientStream> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcClientStream> &continuation)
virtual void interceptServerStream(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcServerStream> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcServerStream> &continuation)

Detailed Description

The QGrpcClientInterceptor class provides a base for creating custom Qt GRPC client interceptors. It defines methods for intercepting different types of Qt GRPC calls and streams. Users can it to implement specific interception behavior.

See also Qt GRPC Client Interceptors.

Member Function Documentation

[virtual noexcept] QGrpcClientInterceptor::~QGrpcClientInterceptor()

Default destructor of QGrpcClientInterceptor object.

template <typename T> void QGrpcClientInterceptor::intercept(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, typename QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<T>::ReplyType response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<T> &continuation)

Intercepts a Qt GRPC call or stream operation.

This method provides a generic interface for intercepting Qt GRPC operations based on the specified QGrpcOperation. It delegates to specialized methods for different types of Qt GRPC operations and passes operation, response, and continuation parameters to specialized method.

[virtual protected] void QGrpcClientInterceptor::interceptBidirStream(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcBidirStream> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcBidirStream> &continuation)

Intercepts a Qt GRPC bidirectional streaming operation.

This method provides the default implementation of a virtual function. Users have the option to override this to offer specific functionality for QGrpcClientInterceptor.

The operation carries the values associated with the call. The response carries a preallocated QGrpcBidirStream of the stream response.

The continuation is a delegate that initiates the processing of the next interceptor or calls the underlying gRPC function. Implementations may call continuation zero or more times, depending on the desired outcome.

[virtual protected] void QGrpcClientInterceptor::interceptCall(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcCallReply> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcCallReply> &continuation)

Intercepts a Qt GRPC call operation.

This method provides the default implementation of a virtual function. Users have the option to override this to offer specific functionality for QGrpcClientInterceptor.

The operation carries the values associated with the call. The response carries a preallocated QGrpcCallReply of the call response.

The continuation is a delegate that initiates the processing of the next interceptor or calls the underlying gRPC function. Implementations may call continuation zero or more times, depending on the desired outcome.

[virtual protected] void QGrpcClientInterceptor::interceptClientStream(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcClientStream> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcClientStream> &continuation)

Intercepts a Qt GRPC client streaming operation.

This method provides the default implementation of a virtual function. Users have the option to override this to offer specific functionality for QGrpcClientInterceptor.

The operation carries the values associated with the call. The response carries a preallocated QGrpcClientStream of the stream response.

The continuation is a delegate that initiates the processing of the next interceptor or calls the underlying gRPC function. Implementations may call continuation zero or more times, depending on the desired outcome.

[virtual protected] void QGrpcClientInterceptor::interceptServerStream(std::shared_ptr<QGrpcChannelOperation> operation, std::shared_ptr<QGrpcServerStream> response, QGrpcInterceptorContinuation<QGrpcServerStream> &continuation)

Intercepts a Qt GRPC server streaming operation.

This method provides the default implementation of a virtual function. Users have the option to override this to offer specific functionality for QGrpcClientInterceptor.

The operation carries the values associated with the call. The response carries a preallocated QGrpcServerStream of the stream response.

The continuation is a delegate that initiates the processing of the next interceptor or calls the underlying gRPC function. Implementations may call continuation zero or more times, depending on the desired outcome.