ScreenCapture QML Type

This type is used for capturing a screen. More...

Import Statement: import QtMultimedia
Since: Qt 6.5
Instantiates: QScreenCapture


Detailed Description

ScreenCapture captures a screen. It is managed by MediaCaptureSession where the captured screen can be displayed in a video preview object or recorded to a file.

The code below shows a simple capture session with ScreenCapture playing back the captured primary screen view in VideoOutput.

 CaptureSession {
     id: captureSession
     screenCapture: ScreenCapture {
         id: screenCapture
         active: true
     videoOutput: VideoOutput {
         id: videoOutput

Screen Capture Limitations

On Qt 6.5.2 and 6.5.3, the following limitations apply to using ScreenCapture:

  • It is only supported with the FFmpeg backend.
  • It is supported on all desktop platforms, except Linux with Wayland compositor, due to Wayland protocol restrictions and limitations.
  • It is not supported on mobile operating systems, except on Android. There, you might run into performance issues as the class is currently implemented via QScreen::grabWindow, which is not optimal for the use case.
  • On Linux, it works with X11, but it has not been tested on embedded.
  • In most cases, we set a screen capture frame rate that equals the screen refresh rate, except on Windows, where the rate might be flexible. Such a frame rate (75/120 FPS) might cause performance issues on weak CPUs if the captured screen is of 4K resolution.

See also WindowCapture and CaptureSession.

Property Documentation

active : bool

Describes whether the capturing is currently active.

error : enumeration [read-only]

Returns a code of the last error.

errorString : string [read-only]

Returns a human readable string describing the cause of error.

screen : Screen

Describes the screen for capturing.