BlendAnimationNode QML Type

A blend tree node that blends between two animation sources. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Timeline.BlendTrees
Since: Qt 6.7


Detailed Description

BlendAnimationNode is a blend tree node that blends between two animation sources based on a weight value. The weight value can be animated to dynamically blend between the two animation sources.

Property Documentation

source1 : BlendTreeNode

This property holds the first animation source.

source2 : BlendTreeNode

This property holds the second animation source.

weight : real

This property holds the weight value used to blend between the two animation sources. The weight value determines how much of the first animation source is blended with the second animation source. A weight value of 0.0 means the first animation source is used exclusively, a weight value of 1.0 means the second animation source is used exclusively, and a weight value of 0.5 means both animation sources are blended equally. The default value is 0.5.