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Contains PKGBUILD files for creating Arch Linux packages:

  • Packages for my own applications and libraries such as Syncthing Tray, Tag Editor, Password Manager, ...
  • Packages I maintain in the AUR:
    • misc packages, eg. Gogs/Gitea, Subtitle Composer, openelec-dvb-firmware
    • mingw-w64 packages which allow to build for Windows under Arch Linux, eg. freetype2 and Qt 5
    • apple-darwin packages which allow to build for MaxOS X under Arch Linux, eg. osxcross and Qt 5
  • Other packages imported from the AUR to build with slight modifications

So if you like to improve one of my AUR packages, just create a PR here.


Each package is in its own subdirectoy:


where default-pkg-name is the default package name (eg. qt5-base) and variant usually one of:

  • default: the regular package
  • git/svn/hg: the development version
  • mingw-w64: the Windows version
  • apple-darwin: the MacOS X version

The repository does not contain .SRCINFO files.

Contributing to patches

Patches for most packages are managed in a fork of the project under my GitHub profile. For instance, patches for mingw-w64-qt5-base are managed at

I usually create a dedicated branch for each version, eg. 5.10.1-mingw-w64. It contains all the patches based on Qt 5.10.1. When doing fixes later on, I usually preserve the original patches and create a new branch, eg. 5.10.1-mingw-w64-fixes.

So in this case it would make sense to contribute directly there. To fix an existing patch, just create a fixup commit. This (unusual) fixup workflow aims to keep the number of additional changes as small as possbile.

To get the patches into the PKGBUILD files, the script devel/qt5/ is used.

Mass rebasing of Qt patches

This is always done by me. Please don't try to help here because it will only cause conflicts. However, the workflow is quite simple:

  1. Run devel/qt5/ on all Qt repository forks
    • eg. 5.11.0 5.10.1 fixes to create branch 5.11.0-mingw-w64 based on 5.10.1-mingw-w64-fixes
    • after fixing possible conflicts, run devel/qt5/
    • otherwise, that's it
  2. Run devel/qt5/ or devel/qt5/ to update PKGBUILDs

Binary repository

I also provide a binary repository containing the packages found in this repository and a lot of packages found in the AUR.

For more information visit my website.