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Spirit V2.5

What's changed in Spirit.Qi and Spirit.Karma from V2.4.2 (Boost V1.46.0) to V2.5 (Boost V1.47.0)

This version of Spirit now supports the new version of Boost.Phoenix (V3), which has been released as part of Boost V1.47. Please note that this support is purely preliminary and should not be considered production quality. The reason why we are releasing this now is to enable people who want to use the new version of Boost.Phoenix in their code to do so without any conflicts with existing code using Spirit. Generally, no Spirit code needs to be changed. To activate the use of Boost.Phoenix V3 for Spirit you need to define the following preprocessor constant for your builds (before including any of Spirit's include files):

New Features in Qi or Karma
Bug Fixes in Qi or Karma
Breaking Changes
New Features in Lex
Bug Fixes in Lex
Making Stuff Work
