Utilities  1
Collection of utility classes and functions used by my C++ applications.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NApplicationUtilitiesContains currently only ArgumentParser and related classes
 CArgumentWrapper for command line argument information
 CArgumentParserMeans for handling command line arguments
 CFailureThe exception that is thrown by an ArgumentParser when a parsing error occurs
 NChronoUtilitiesContains classes providing a means for handling date and time information
 CDateTimeRepresents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day
 CPeriodRepresents a period of time
 CTimeSpanRepresents a time interval
 NConversionUtilitiesContains several functions providing conversions between different data types
 CConversionExceptionThe exception that is thrown when an conversion error occurs
 CWidenConverts a std::string to std::wstring
 NIoUtilitiesContains utility classes helping to read and write streams
 CBinaryReaderReads primitive data types from a std::istream using a specified ConversionUtilities::ByteOrder
 CBinaryWriterWrites primitive data types to a std::ostream using a specified ConversionUtilities::ByteOrder
 CCopyHelperThe copy helper class helps to copy bytes from one stream to another