
3.3 KiB
Executable File

Download PianoBooster


To run Piano Booster you need a MIDI Piano Keyboard and a MIDI interface for the PC. (If you don't have a MIDI keyboard you can still try out PianoBooster using the PC keyboard, 'x' is middle C -- but a MIDI piano is recommend).

To hear the music you will need a General Midi compatible sound synthesizer. Unfortunately the "Microsoft GS Wavetable software synthesizer" that comes with Windows introduces an unacceptable delay (latency) between pressing a note and hearing the sound. For this reason the use of "Microsoft GS Wavetable software synthesizer" is not recommend. Please see the forum section of this website for possible solutions.

MIDI files

To run PianoBooster you will need some Midi files preferably with right and left piano parts on channels 4 and 3. Some high quality demo MIDI files that are compatible with PianoBooster are available here

Executable for Windows

There is now an installer/uninstaller for windows. Just download and run this setup program.


Executable for The Mac

Piano Booster has been tested with SimplSynth for the Mac which can be obtained for free (MIT license).

Version 0.6.4 for the Mac is coming soon in the meantime here is the previous release. A universal binary for the Mac (Thanks to Christian).


Packages for Linux

A Ubuntu Package for Piano Booster for the current version 0.6.4 is available here

Download and install the .deb package that corresponds to your architecture using your favourite package manager.

Note: In Ubuntu 9.04 there is an issue with the Intel drivers which that means PianoBooster performs very badly if you have Intel graphic chips. Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 fixes this problem.

A Fedora Package for Piano Booster is available as part of the distribution see: http://www.rpmfind.net then search for pianobooster

Note: The packages provided with distributions may not exist or are out of date, in which case you will have to compile from the source code. However compiling from source is quite easy on Linux, see the instructions in the section below.

Source Code for all platforms

Download and uncompress the archive file below and then follow the instructions in the BUILD.txt file.


Compiling on Linux: You need to have the following packages installed cmake, libqt4-dev, libasound2-dev, and the build-essential packages. Then in the pianobooster/build directory type cmake ../src, then type make, followed by sudo make install. Finally type sudo update-desktop-database to get open with working in Nautilus. (Version 0.6.4b fixes a problem on Ubutnu 10.4 Lucid Lynx).

Compiling on Windows: The easiest way to compile on windows download and run LGPL / Free version of Qt SDK: Complete Development Environment.